Display Timing

This setting determines when your video will be shown to the user, and how to handle sub-steps associated with the lesson/topic.

  • Before completed sub-steps (default)
    The video will be shown immediately and must be fully watched before the user can access any of the lesson/topic’s associated sub-steps (topics and/or quizzes).
  • After completing sub-steps
    The video will initially be hidden. It will become visible after the user has completed the lesson/topic’s associated sub-steps (topics and/or quizzes). The entire video must be watched in order to complete the lesson/topic.

The next 3 options only appear if you’ve chosen “After completing sub-steps.”

Lesson/Topic Auto-completion

Enabling this option will automatically mark the lesson/topic complete once the user has watched the entire video.

Completion Delay

This refers to the delay (in seconds) between when the video is finished and when the lesson/topic is marked complete.

  • Default is no delay (0 seconds)

Mark Complete Button

By default, the “Mark Complete” button will be hidden, but this setting allows you to display it.

  • Simply enable this setting to show the “Mark Complete” button